As the Creative Director at Hidden Bridge Media, and also as a minister and technology guru at my local church, I am constantly on the lookout for new products that are one of two things – 1. A must buy for a church (something that every church in the 21st century needs to have or be doing (website, Facebook page, etc.) and 2. A product that is GREAT and also a GREAT price.
Today, I figured I’d share a new one I’ve just come across that I am pretty excited about that I think will be great for all of my NON-designers, “frugal,” minister friends. So what is it?
Its LIVESWAP – a new program coming out of CREATIONSWAP.
Creation swap is only $19 a month (or 199$ a year – a $20 savings if you pay for the year upfront) and it provides a lot of the same great templates and designs that a more expensive does (Graceway is still the gold standard in my book). This includes PowerPoints, JPG’s, PSD files, PDF’s, AI files, and ID files. If you do not know what any of those are – awesome! It’s just tech-speak for what programs the images or designs are DESIGNED in. Either way, you will be able to find some awesome PowerPoint slides, sermon ideas, sermon graphics, and all of your social media designs and ideas. It’s awesome and the cheapest out there.
RIGHT NOW. Seriously. RIGHT NOW CreationSwap is launching a NEW platform designed for NON-designers who work for churches. LIVESWAP is designed with ministers and church offices in mind. It is FREE right now if you sign up for the awesome CREATIONSWAP membership ($19 a month). This platform will soon be a subscription based product but it is a DUAL package right now….and it’s a DO NOT MISS.
Why? Here is why.
- LIVE edit your designs with others in your church office each on his/her own computer.
- Resize your images INSTANTLY for ALL social media platforms (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc.) instantly. With one CLICK.
- Create ministry folders with all logos, branding, church website design, etc. that can be shared and accessed at all times.
- Thousands of designs, quotes, and templates.
- ALL ONLINE so everything is LIVE. You can be watching it change in front of you as your more “design” conscious Youth Minister changes it on their computer – while they are working from Chik-Fil-A. Cause we know that still happens.
- IT IS FREE if you buy their already LOW PRICED awesomeness….CREATIONSWAP.
So….I wanted you to know about it before you headed into this new year. As always, Ill try to keep you guys up to date with what’s new in ministry and technology. God bless!